Launch of {wihantemplates}

Template R Package

The launch of my first R package comprising–hopefully, one day–a suite of templates for the creation documents in R Markdown which I’ve come to use on a regular basis. It marks the release of {su_dissertation}, a template for creating theses and dissertations for students at Stellenbosch University.

Wihan Marais

This marks the release of my first R package and public template. {wihantemplates} is an R package comprising–hopefully, one day–a suite of templates for the creation documents in R Markdown which I’ve come to use on a regular basis. The package is still in its experimental stage and I’ll be working out the kinks. The best way to contribute to its development and address its inevitable problems is by logging a new issue here. For now, the package includes only su_dissertation, a template for creating theses and dissertations for students at Stellenbosch University.

Getting Started

You can install the development version from this Github repository via the remotes package in R.

# install.packages("remotes")

You should ensure that certain essential packages are installed and loaded in R. Since all templates produce PDFs, you’ll need a TeX distribution installed on your machine. I recommend using the lightweight TeX installation TinyTeX. Follow the steps below to have both the tinytex package and distribution in place. The rmarkdown package is also included here for good measure.

if (!requireNamespace("tinytex", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (!requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)) {


if (!tinytex::is_tinytex() || is.null(tinytex::tinytex_root())) {

To ensure that all necessary LaTeX packages and dependencies are available, especially those not included in the TinyTeX distribution by default, you can use tinytex::parse_install. This reads the .log file from a failed compilation, identifies the missing packages and styles, and installs them.


Once the package has been installed, go to File > New File > R Markdown > From Template in RStudio to select your desired template. My templates are those denoted with {wihantemplates} alongside templates’ names. Choose a name (“example”) and location for the new directory containing the template, select OK, and you’ll be up and running.


Stellenbosch University Dissertation Template

All the necessary materials for honours, master’s and doctoral students using R Markdown to produce dissertations and theses conforming to the requirements of Stellenbosch University. The template heavily relies on the excellent suite of LaTeX packages, stellenbosch-2, created and maintained by Daniel Els. You can find a complete example here. The template is initially populated with helpful content covering various aspects of dissertation writing.

Template Directory

├── cache
├── code
├── figures
├── matter
│   ├── abstract.Rmd
│   ├── acknowledgements.Rmd
│   ├── appendix.Rmd
│   ├── mybib.bib
│   └── nomenclature.Rmd
├── styles
│   ├── defaults.R
│   └── template.tex
├── [example].Rmd

YAML Fields

The YAML header at top of [example].Rmd configures the output of your dissertation, defining both metadata and formatting settings. YAML fields are used in accordance with the setup in template.tex settings to render a PDF. The following is a cursory overview of some YAML fields.

    template: styles/template.tex
    keep_tex: FALSE
    latex_engine: pdflatex
    citation_package: natbib
    pandoc_args: --top-level-division=chapter

This configuration sets the output format to pdf_document, using a LaTeX template from styles/template.tex. The keep_tex option, when set to TRUE, saves the intermediate .tex file–useful when doing LaTeX debugging. The document is compiled using the pdflatex engine, and bibliographies are managed by natbib. The pandoc_args parameter structures the document into chapters, suitable for theses and dissertations. Warning: It’s best not to modify this part of the YAML. Changes to latex_engine, citation_package, or pandoc_args will break the template. Beginners should avoid modifying template.tex unless they are comfortable with TeX.

thesistype: PhD
author: "Johnny Elvis Bravo"
authorshort: "J. E. Bravo"
title: "My Dissertation"
titel: "My Proefskrif"
degree: "Doctor of Philosophy in Economics"
graad: "Doktor in die Wysbegeerte in Ekonomie"
degreeshort: "PhD (Economics)"
graadshort: "PhD (Ekonomie)"
department: "Department of Economics"
departement: "Departement van Ekonomie"
faculty: "Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences"
fakulteit: "Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe"
  - "Prof. F. Flintstone"
  # - "Prof. G. Jetson"
  - "Prof. H. Simpson"
year: 2025
month: 04
sponsor: "The financial assistance of the National Research Foundation (NRF) towards this research is hereby acknowledged. Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at, are those of the author and are not necessarily to be attributed to the NRF."

This part of the YAML specifies important metadata used to populate the dissertation’s front page and abstracts.

abstract: matter/abstract.Rmd
acknowledgements: matter/acknowledgements.Rmd
nomenclature: matter/nomenclature.Rmd
bibliography: matter/mybib.bib

File paths for key document sections are specified to ensure proper integration. These paths direct to the corresponding .Rmd or .bib files, ensuring that the abstract, acknowledgements, nomenclature, and bibliography are correctly incorporated into the final document. Although, all parts are formally required by the conventions of Stellenbosch University, only the bibliography field is required to successfully generate this document. Other fields are optional, hence can be deleted or commented out.

Happy writing!


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-SA 4.0. Source code is available at, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

Marais (2024, Aug. 4). Wihan Marais: Launch of {wihantemplates}. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Marais, Wihan},
  title = {Wihan Marais: Launch of {wihantemplates}},
  url = {},
  year = {2024}